Now, don't get me wrong, I go to parties and/or have parties all year long. But for the most part, there is a lot of time in between large get togethers. This time of year, between Halloween and New Years Day, we have a lot of commitments, thus making it the best time of year to try to make new appetizers and desserts. It's more fun to make a crap ton of food when there are a crap ton of people to eat it, not just me and Joe, my husband.
This post will be the first of four recipe posts, all of which that I put together for my parents second annual Halloween Evening Of Horrors.. I just made that up, but I'm pretty sure I love it! (Hey mom, you like that name?! Maybe that's what we should call it next year!!!)
This appetizer probably sounds pretty boring because who wants to eat healthy at a party? My brother does, actually. In the last few years, he's cut sugar and gluten from his diet. Normally, I'd be quite annoyed to have to go out of my way to find and make a recipe for someone with such demands, but I'm starting to like the challenge. Plus I like the accolades (You didn't think I was selfless, did you?! Silly)..
So, here it is: The easiest recipe in the universe...
Mini Zucchini Pizzas
Adapted from DamnDelicious
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- 2-3 zucchini, cut into 1/4 in rounds
- salt
- pepper
- 1/2 grated cheese
- 1/4 cup pepperoni minis
- 1 tbsp italian seasoning
- Preheat oven to broil
- Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Working in batches, add zucchini and cook 1-2 minutes per side. Add salt and pepper to taste
- Place zucchini onto large baking sheet. Top with cheese and pepperoni minis
- Place in oven and cook until cheese is melted. 1-2 minutes
- Sprinkle with italian seasoning and serve.
I can tell that I haven't blogged a recipe in about 4 million years because I never took a picture of my ingredients. It's not like I was rushed or out of practice even. I made a few other things this particular day. It just totally slipped my mind to take a picture of this recipes ingredients. So, today we're starting with a picture of my cut up zucchinis.
I figured my bro would be the only person eating this, so I only used two zucchinis. |
They cooked in one fell swoop in my new pan! |
Laid out in the pan to bring them to the party. |
This is how I transfered them to my parents house. |