Sunday, April 5, 2015

Jill Can Cook: Sausage Rice Skillet

Before I get to the interesting part of this blog post, let me apologize for not keeping up with my blog the last few weeks! Who'd have thought that March would be a busier month  than December. Me and the kids all had our yearly check ups with the doctor (of course, all on different days!). Plus, not only were our kids birthdays last month, but half of our extended family had birthdays last month as well. We went out to eat probably triple the amount we usually go (I secretly loved it though!). AND... On top of all that, I haven't been finding too many clothing items to upcycle for you guys. Don't get me wrong, I've been finding lots of great items at the new thrift store, but they don't need any tweaking! It's both a blessing and a curse. Anyway, back to the food:

I saved this recipe from Laugh With Us Blog a long time ago on my Pinterest account. The picture of the food looked so delicious and it didn't look like it had a lot of ingredients. I like easy recipes, as you can tell. And, as per usual, I had some sausage links leftover from another meal that I wanted to use up.

Sausage Rice Skillet

1 (1 lb) Sausage
2 cups long grain rice
1 packet dry Lipton Soup
  1. Brown Sausage
  2. Add rice, 4 cups water, and soup mix.
  3. Bring to a boil.
  4. Simmer on medium low for 20 minutes.
I don't have that many pictures of the process. I attribute this to the fact that my sausage was precooked and also that there were so few ingredients. I'm really not trying to be lazy! Hahaha
Reheating the sausage in the skillet before I add the other ingredients
The skillet after I added the rice, water, and lipton soup mix.
So, this is where I complain for a minute. I should not have used precooked sausage for this. I cooked my package of sausage the best way for my other meal, but that was not the right way for this meal. I think that had I taken it out of the casing and cooked it that way, it would've infused more flavor into the dish.
I added a little salt and pepper. That helped add some flavor.
The other way in which I went wrong was in making too much rice. We ended up with way too much rice leftover and not enough sausage. I also think that had there been a little less rice, it would've been more flavorful. As it is. Joe wasn't all that impressed and told me I didn't have to save that in my recipe binder any longer. But I have high hopes for this one! I don't want to give up on it just yet. I'm sure I can make it better.
My pictures are a lot less appetizing than the pictures from the original blog! Sorry!
I'll give this recipe a C as it stands now. But I'll let Joe forget about it and then I'll be back. I'm thinking of making the tweaks I mentioned, plus adding some onion, possibly also garlic. Stay tuned!!!
Ohhh I almost forgot: Happy Easter!! I've made a few appetizers to bring to my parents house for their Easter party, so I'll blog about that soon! Plus, I made a cake for Mitchell's birthday, I've got that to blog about, too.. And I also have a few surprises for you! 

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